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The cabin on Linarr Lake is situated on the northeast shore.  It was built around 1970 for Maurice Olivier by a local Hornepayne carpenter called Kelly Savento.  All the material was flow in with a 180 Cessena aircraft.


The Cabin sleeps 9 people.  It has three bedrooms with 3 single beds in each room.

I have kept the cabins’ original frame construction but I added a metal roof.  I re-built the dock. The kitchen has a new counter top and is newly painted.  There are full cooking facilities, with a wood heating stove and propane cooking stove, fridge and  lights.

There is a propane barboque and a fish deepfryer.

Dishes, pots, pans and utensils are included

Linbarr Lake Map
How The Lake Got Its Name.

Around 1952 a Swedish prospector paddled in to Linbarr Lake from the CNR Railroad.  He spent a few days with the Peever family who were living at Lessard Lake that summer.  He had some maroon coloured stones in his pocket that he had collected at Linbarr Lake.  He told them the name of the mineral in the rock was called Linbarr.


Thus the name Linbarr Lake.  We have tried to confirm that such a mineral exists but have been unsuccessful.

Surprise Bay.

Tom’s father and brothers were in the process of making a trail for the first time to Linbarr Lake. They had compassed through from Obakamiga Lake and came out onto the small lake southwest of Linbarr.  They called it Surprise Lake because it was not on the map and they thought they were on Linbarr.  They were disappointed when they discovered they had to continue then another 1/8th of a mile to hit Linbarr Lake.  Therefore: Surprise Bay.


Deep Bay.

It is called Deep Bay  because it is the deepest  part of the Linbarr Lake at 110 ft.


Roaring Bay.

In the 1940’s Tom’s brothers shot a calf moose however, they only had one shell for their gun due to the ammunition restriction during the second WW. They shot the calf but the mother moose attacked them. They were able to climb a tree to escape but the moose roared, snorted and fussed most of the night beneath them.  The moose finally left just breaking daylight in the morning and they were able to get away.

So they named it Roaring bay.


Whitefish bay.

This is the area on the lake where the whitefish spawn in the fall.


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